Indice - Index

Alessioporus ichnusanus (Alessio, Galli & Littini) Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini
Xerocomus ichnusanus Alessio, Galli & Littini

Osservazioni sulle raccolte fotografate
La raccolta in foto è stata determinata macroscopicamente. La specie è stata recentemente inserita in un nuovo genere: Alessioporus. Segue l'abstract di Mycologia 106(6): 1171 (2014).

Alessioporus and Pulchroboletus (Boletaceae, Boletineae), two novel genera for Xerocomus ichnusanus and X. roseoalbidus from the European Mediterranean basin: molecular and morphological evidence.
Gelardi M., Simonini G., Ercole E., Vizzini A.

Abstract Alessioporus and Pulchroboletus are proposed as new monotypic genera to accommodate the thermo-xerophilic European species Xerocomus ichnusanus and X. roseoalbidus respectively. The present research focused on both morphological features and multigene molecular phylogeny (nrITS, nrLSU, tef-1a datasets) to elucidate the taxonomic status of these two rare Mediterranean boletes and delineate a natural classification within the family Boletaceae. Macro- and microscopic descriptions of the two species based on inclusive taxon sampling are provided and supported by line drawings of the main anatomical features. Phylogenetic relationships, ecology, geographical distribution and delimitation from the most closely allied taxa also are highlighted. In addition, epitype specimens are selected for both species. © 2014 by The Mycological Society of America.

Xerocomus ichnusanus foto 1
Foto 1 [IMG3591] - Canon EOS 7D, ob. EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Monti Nebrodi, 950m [N2], 05.X.2015

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